I'm a sucker for old newspapers, and while they may give a particular view of history, at least you can see what people were reading at the time. I've just discovered the National Library online newspaper archive. You can find it here: http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper.
The Adelaide Advertiser is there from 1889 to 1954 and you can download complete newspapers in pdf format.
Among other things I discovered, none of us boys got a birth notice until Alan (unless I didn't look thoroughly enough) and he obviously didn't have a name when the notice went in:
(click photos to enlarge)
I can prove I am not a baby boomer but was born while the battle for the Rhine was on:
On the day Pete was born, the Advertiser ran two stories on the front page about Communists, as well as an aerial photo of Port Adelaide wharves, due for some upgrades:
I also checked out the Centralian Advocate, Alice Springs' paper for a long time. In 1952, it was published weekly, and the Feb 22 issue reminded readers that Al's birthday was the 10th anniversary of the bombing of Darwin (although Alan didn't get a mention!). Also, the Finke Races were coming up and Bob Smith of New Crown station was the club's president (we knew Bob when we were in Finke in 1973 - he was probably still president):
Anyway, all very interesting, and much more accessible that the microfiche files in the State Library in Adelaide, where I last looked at old newspapers.