One of the great pleasures in life, not to be overestimated,
is that of grinding fresh peppercorns and rock salt onto a delicious meal, made
all the more delicious by the addition of those condiments. The pleasure is increased exponentially when
the grinders actually work.
There are many things in life that wear out in a gradual
process that is surreptitious and inexorable.
Examples include car parts. If
you use a car every day, the brake linings wear out in such a way that you
never notice the ever-increasing extra effort required on the brake pedal, and
you never consciously think that something should be done about it, since you
haven't really noticed the gradual worsening.
It's only a before and after comparison that makes you realise how bad
they were, and the effort you were making.
Such has been the case with our salt and pepper grinders
over the past couple of years. We once
had a set of wooden grinders of second-class quality that were wearing out as
fast as they could from day one. They
were replaced by a glass set, but again with cheap plastic grinding
surfaces. (I assumed that was the way
of things).
As the salt grinder wore out it was stuck in the cupboard
and replaced with Saxa ready-to-pour.
Shock! Horror! The pepper grinder had long been replaced by
a Master Foods mini-grinder off the supermarket shelf. Recently I determined that the salt grinder
should be resurrected, regardless of how it performed, because nothing compares
with decent rock salt freshly ground.
However, using the salt grinder was excruciating. A lot of energy was required for not much
grinding. The only way to see if any
ground salt was actually produced was to hold it against a dark
background. The grinder had to be
shaken, tipped sideways and then upright again to have any hope of
success. Turning the top likewise
required a variety of back and forward techniques in the hope that something
would work.
Eventually, I decided enough was enough - we should go
shopping for new grinders! Hang
the expense and the misuse of scarce resources. A time comes when some things are no longer viable and must be
We started in Big W, observing that grinders do seem to all
have plastic grinding surfaces these days, so that I imagined we should have
been replacing our grinders every six months or so to maintain some semblance
of efficacy. Rather than rush in,
however, we thought to ask someone in a specialty shop. What would the Rolls Royce of grinders be
like, I wondered.
The result is that we now have a fantastic pair of grinders
and no more expensive than the Big W ones.
The brand is Maxwell and Williams, which doesn't mean anything to me,
but they are beautifully made. The salt
grinder has "ceramic mechanism" stamped on its grinding surface, and
the pepper grinder says "carbon steel".
The best thing, though, is that with a couple of fingers
twisting the knob no more than ten degrees a shower of salt or pepper can be
produced with almost no effort. What a
contrast with the old salt grinder. The
grinding is fine and thorough. I can't
believe that this has happened!
There is a moral to the story, of course, but I don't think
it needs to be spelled out!
PS In exactly the same vein, there was nothing wrong with my sawtooth bread knife, worked quite well I thought, until Jac and Pat gave me for Fathers' Day a beaut scalloped edge new one. It is amazingly sharp and cuts like the bread is butter!
PS In exactly the same vein, there was nothing wrong with my sawtooth bread knife, worked quite well I thought, until Jac and Pat gave me for Fathers' Day a beaut scalloped edge new one. It is amazingly sharp and cuts like the bread is butter!